Montana town board approved meeting minutes



September 11, 2023, Town Hall

Present: Board members: Jimmy Ellis, Dennis Bork, Joe Bragger, and LeeAnne Bulman. Residents: Ron and Renee Guza, Dan and Donna Rotering, George and Penny Pronschinske, Bill Christ, Rick Helwig, Tony Pyka, and Leon Schlesser.

Call to order:

Chairman Jimmy Ellis opened the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

The minutes from the Sugust meeting were read, motion by Joe Bragger to approve. Dennis Bork 2nd and carried.

There was no financial report.

Citizen Input: Input came from attendees about the ATV/UTV usage of town roads. Their concerns was that Montana is the only township that does not allow them on their roads. Those with ag permits can use the roads and they felt that wasn’t fair and that all people should be able to use them. The chairman said he would put it on next month’s agenda.

Bills were reviewed.

Road Report: Matchey was wedged. Montana Ridge will get cheap seal later this week. Joe Bragger tightened and checked the bolts on the Pape bridge.


Old Business: The board continued work on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, reading through and eliminated and adding to the 2014 plan. The hearing on the final plan will be in October.

New Business: Joe Bragger requested the board meet on Monday nights.


Joe Bragger made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Dennis Bork, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

LeeAnne Bulman

Town Clerk