November 2023 Board Meeting Agenda

STATE OF WISCONSIN Town of Montana, Buffalo County.

The Montana Town Board hereby provides its written notice and agenda of the public meeting of the Montana Town Board for Monday, November 13, 2023 at the town hall, beginning at 7:00 P.M. The board may or may not reconvene after the budget hearing to make changes to the budget.


  1. Call to order
  2. Minutes
  3. Financial reports
  4. Citizen input
  5. Review bills, sign checks
  6. Road Report
  7. A. Updates on current projects
  8. Old Business A. Resolution to amend 2023 budget
  9. New Business A. Approve 2024 budget B. Appointment of election workers for 2024-2025 C. ARIP grant for town roads D. DNR grant for streambanks E. County board report as time allows.
  10. Adjourn

Dated this 9th day of November 2023 LeeAnne Bulman, town clerk.

Meeting notice posted as follows: town hall, town shop, intersection of County Roads C and U.

Find us on Facebook for road reports, updated information and some fun. or